Can't Be Broken
Can't Be Broken
Embracing Failure and Cultivating a Winning Mindset: C-Monster Mindset
What if shielding our children from failure is actually setting them up for a harder fall? This episode of Can Be Broken Podcast dares to question the conventional methods of parenting and personal growth, advocating for a tough love approach that embraces adversity and learning from failure. We argue that true development springs from overcoming challenges, not avoiding them. By providing honest feedback and pushing for improvement, we can cultivate resilience and a relentless mindset. This candid discussion is a must-listen for parents, educators, and anyone invested in personal growth, as it highlights the importance of seeing obstacles as opportunities for growth.
Next, we turn our focus to the concept of a winning mindset, drawing inspiration from Tim Grover's philosophies in his book "Winning." Victory demands more than just ambition; it requires relentless effort, resilience, and a deep love for the process itself. This episode stresses the importance of being driven by purpose and not by fleeting motivations or external opinions. We call for massive action and self-honesty, encouraging listeners to stop merely talking about their goals and start executing on them. Discover how to embrace failures as stepping stones to success in this no-nonsense conversation aimed at inspiring you to take control of your destiny.
what up, what up, what up, and welcome to another episode of can be broken podcast. I am your host, sea monster and uh, this is Cmonster's Mindset. Today we're going to talk about winning hard work and start babying your kids. Let them fail. Now there's going to be some cursing in here Once again. I'm just fucking being me and I hope that you can take this and show it to your kids.
Speaker 1:It's a fucking rough life out there, brother, it really is. Life is not easy. And if you fucking baby your kids and if you don't allow them to fail and be exposed and teach them right from wrong and understand that that stuff is going to be out there and let them fucking, fucking fall down and understand that they're going to fucking be depressed, that it's okay to go through depression, that they're going to level up after that, and what the fuck are we doing as parents? What are we doing? If you're just going to coddle them Not, let them be exposed, put a fucking mask over them, shut them down, don't let it be exposed to fucking filth, to cuss words, to failure, to depression, to what the fuck is going on, then how do we get better? Because getting better is in the adversity. That's how we learn, so we don't fucking make that mistake again. Sure, we learn other ways and hopefully they're not big mistakes and hopefully there's no mistakes and we can learn. But sometimes life gives you a fucking dose of a knockout or a punch in your fucking face. What the fuck are you going to do? What are you going to do when a coach tells you that you're not good enough, that you don't work hard enough, that you're not fast enough, you're not strong enough, you're not tall enough, that you have no skills, that you have no leadership skills? What are you going to do?
Speaker 1:Well, if you've learned to be coddled and told that it's okay and that you can transfer, and it's okay to settle and it's okay to fucking move on to do something else, then yeah, that's what the fuck is going to happen. But if you're taught that that's what the coach told you, and if it's a good coach, not some fucking daddy ball person who hasn't been there, person who's not doing what the fuck you're doing or has done anything, or a person who's jealous or doesn't mean well for you, but if a person, a coach, an educator, your parent, they're good people, they're good human beings and they tell you respectfully, that you need to do more, that you need to be better, that this is what you need to do, that they're giving you advice in the proper way. I'm not talking about people putting you down. I'm talking about people bringing you up, but telling you the truth. And if you can't respect that, then the problem was already initiated a long time ago by society, by your parents, by the people you hung around with, by the shit that you didn't invest in your mind to overcome that. And you need to seek differently, seek different advice. Take that I was told.
Speaker 1:I'm sure my brother was told, I'm sure many people listening were told that they sucked, that they weren't good enough, that they could move on to another college, that they'll never make it to this. Many different things and many different people will have opinions and tell you shit. It's up to you what you're going to do with that. And if you run away, you don't confront it and you don't think it's an opportunity, then, yeah, your whole life is going to be like that. It's not until you change your mindset, your perspective, that you will then become a winner A person that overcomes, a person that perseveres, a person that is relentless and that just sees failure, obstacles, all these things as an opportunity to get better, to grow, to learn, to expand. I hope, I hope you all took this as a wake-up call, that I love you all as a wake-up call, that I love you all, that I want nothing but everybody to succeed and to overcome and to learn and to grow. But I will not coddle, I will not let you fail. I will not tell you something just because I don't want you to cry. If you want that, go get the coach. That's happy, it's always going to tell you what you want to hear, that's going to take it easy on you, that tells you it's okay and that's exactly what you're going to get out of it. You're just going to be okay. Anyways, if you want to win, I have a great episode coming up on winning right here.
Speaker 1:Let me start off with winning, and most of these things that I'm going to say right now come from Tim Grover. Tim Grover is an author, motivational speaker, but mainly he's the strength and conditioning coach for the GOAT, michael Jordan, kobe Bryant, dwayne Wade and several, several others, and in his book Winning, he says that winning doesn't apologize and it doesn't explain. Winning throws a party in your honor but refuses to give you the place and time. It pours you champagne but knocks over the glass. One day it wears a halo and the next day it has fangs. You don't get to decide which it will be. You can only chase it and if you're willing to pay the price, you might catch it.
Speaker 1:Briefly, winning is never ending, but the ability to win is in all of us. There are no steps to winning, no secrets, no book or anything to winning. Winning is figuring it out, executing and repeating. Winning requires you to be different, requires you to be different. If I ask you what winning is in one word, what would that word be? Tim Grover asked Kobe Bryant and Kobe Bryant said everything. Winning is everything. Winning is everything. That means he's willing to fucking work as hard as possible to achieve winning, to do what he needs to do, to never stop until he achieves it.
Speaker 1:Briefly, how do we get there? Through hard work. Hard work pays off. The problem with hard work and if it doesn't pay off, is that many fail because they can't wait. They just can't wait and they keep working and working and believe it should be happening by now, and then they quit. If you want to win, fall in love with the process, fall in love with the journey, and winning will come. That is the result. Focus on the process, on the journey. How do we get there? When you truly believe in your purpose and in yourself, everything is possible.
Speaker 1:Don't listen to the noise, don't listen to the naysayers. Don't listen to the people that tell you you can't. Don't listen to the people that tell you you can't. If a coach that is a good coach tells you that you're not ready, that you're not good enough, that you're doing this wrong, and tells you what you're capable, that you're willing and that you're going to do what you need to do in order to get where you want to be Now you've been listening to me and Sea Monster's mindset for almost two, three years now, and if you haven't done shit with it, that's because many people just listen to these words, love to read books, put them in their fucking head. They think they're cool and they use it as punchlines. They use it as quotes.
Speaker 1:Go, fucking, do the work. Go do the fucking work. Don't get motivated, get inspired, get driven, get purposely or purpose driven. Find something, attack it and don't stop until you fucking get it, and then keep going. It takes massive action. Stop, it takes massive action. Stop reading, listening to books, hanging out with people talking shit, saying you're going to do something and you don't do shit. If you're that guy, be honest with yourself. Then You're that fucking guy. You're the guy that just talks a lot, doesn't do shit, the guy with the fucking big bark but no bite.
Speaker 1:I want the best for everybody here and if I'm coming off strong, it's because I care and because I want the hard truth to come out. I want people to understand that we're in a time right now we're being coddled, being too nice and the no fucking or everybody gets a trophy fucking scenario and all this stuff is not good that it's okay to fucking fail and it's okay to come in second and it's okay to fucking be told this and transfer and have no loyalty. Fuck that. That's who you're going to be every fucking time. Then it's okay to fucking get punched in the face what you're going to do after that. Don't avoid it. Take it, learn why it happened, get the fuck up. Learn why it happened. Get the fuck up and figure it out. Thanks for listening to Seamonster Mindset and remember you can't be broken.